Bathed not in bubbles
of bright effervescent water,
but in the cold, silent waters of death.
Taken by swirls from currents of evil,
dragging Him down,
seeking to disintegrate body and soul.
and torment with abandonment.
Placed under the curse of God
to know our fear and shame,
the Shepherd smitten, the sheep scattered.
Delivered up by an angry God and hostile foe.
Both wreaking vengeance, both accusing,
seeking condemnation of the One holy Man,
taking on evil not His own.
A willing Victim to seal God's covenant,
a covenant of everlasting, steadfast love,
seal with His blood,
making it operative,
the door keeper of hell overcome,
now reaching down to the depths of hell,
drawing His captive people out.
The Lamb slain before the foundation of the world,
taking away evil rebellion,
with its heart of jealousy, hate and murder.
Now to Him be ascribed
blessing and honour and majesty and power forever.
God in Christ,
reconciling the world unto Himself.