Sunday, 27 November 2011


No longer 'vacant miles' and 'empty years',
God come to walk with man.
A love that 'watches and that hears'
as we walk the way with Him.

Saturday, 19 November 2011


When I look back the way I've come,
the path, the dreams I've had,
the winding path unwinds before me.
Is there really a plan?

The constant lodestar
has always shone its light,
bringing hope and joy.

Who lit that star?
Who put it in my sight?
Whose constancy beamed upon my way?

It has the name of love,
the languages of all ages past,
and yet to come.

'There are many plans in a man's heart, nevertheless it is the Lord's purpose that will stand.'
Proverbs 19 vs 21

Thursday, 17 November 2011


Why has love such beauty?
It is our native air,
born with an unquenchable thirst
for that which gives us meaning and drives away our fear.

It drives us forward, emptiness at bay, 
our stores of life and love replenished.

As we give yet forth again,
we find yet more to give,
and as we give
it comes to us again,
and in that joy we press on to give yet more.